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Workshop Offers

For many years, I have been conducting construction and performance workshops for both adults and children. I am involved in various programs and courses, including at the FITZ Theater for Animated Forms in Stuttgart.


You can hire me for workshops or express your interest by contacting me.

Simply write your request to: or give me a call at 0176.40240217.


Here are some examples of my courses:

Workshop offers

Crush Figures

The Turbo Version in Figure Construction

Target audience: 6 years and above

For surprisingly quick results.

Crush figures are theater puppets that are made from foam in no time. The player can use their index finger and thumb to reach into the head from the back and change the facial expression by moving their fingers, for example, by squeezing.

The incredibly expressive features of these figures provide inspiration for play and stimulate children's imagination. The joyful use of language, concentration, self-expression, and body control are playfully encouraged.

We create our own characters for our figures and "carve" what we call "crush heads" out of foam. Then we develop original stories and play them out.

Clapping-mouth Puppet Construction

On the path to creating a character-rich, well-playable, self-designed and built puppet

I love the direct, comedic expressions of Clapping-mouth Puppets that bring a smile to the viewer's face.

Here, you will learn how to build a well-playable and expressive puppet with a movable, hinged mouth. Based on your ideas and specifications, we will create a unique figure that exists nowhere else in the world!

Target audience: Adults